Kihon means “basics” or “fundamentals”. The term is used to refer to the basic techniques that are taught and practiced as the foundation of most Karate.
The practice and mastery of Kihon is also essential to all advanced training, and includes the practice of correct body form and breathing, while practicing basics such as stances, blocks, punches, kicks and progress to combinations, usually in that order.
In our Goju Curriculum emphasis is placed on Kihon. Without correct basics a student will not progress. Kihon is practiced every lesson as “floor exercises”, where the same technique or combination is repeated many times as students move back and forth, up and down the dojo floor. Traditional Japanese Karate training is notorious for extended periods of Kihon. This style of practice is believed to ingrain the techniques into the muscle memory of the karateka.

Kihon is not only practicing of techniques, it is also the karateka fostering the correct spirit and attitude at all times. Gogen Yamaguchi founder of Goju Kai Karate-Do wrote ………., “Master the basics” as one of his 5 precepts to Goju Kai Karate. I interpret that to mean that a true master of karate is one who has mastered the basics and not someone who possesses so called hidden secrets to Karate.
This Kihon concept cannot be lacking strong confidence and commitment. There is no secret technique or no shortcut to effectiveness only many years of training Kihon leading to eventual internalization, backed by unquestionable Fudoshin.

Fudoshin means a warrior state of mind obtained when the Mind, Body and Spirit become one. Achievement is only through the study of basic technique. When such a state is reached, all fighting abilities become possible and great things can be achieved.